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District Equity Team

The Tarrytown District Equity Team (DET) began its work in the 2019-2020 school year, with a clear mission to promote a community that values equity and racial justice. The DET serves as an accountability mechanism to monitor and address disparities in attendance, achievement, discipline, access, opportunity, and lived experience in the district. The DET meets monthly to engage in critical self-reflection and plan actionable steps for continuous improvement.  

Equity is institutional work, not just interpersonal work. Paul Gorski, Equity Literacy Institute Founder

First page of the PDF file: 2024TUFSDEquityInclusivityandDiversityPolicyforFamilies
First page of the PDF file: 2024PolticadeEquidadInclusinyDiversidad2024deTUFSDparaFamilias

District Equity Team Subcommittees

To support the operationalization of the goals, the DET formed sub-committees in each of these five areas. The subcommittees continue to meet and discuss how to make our district a more equitable place to learn, teach and work. Here are the subcommittees chairs:

  • Communications — Dr. Jessica Kingsbury,  Director of Technology
  • Hiring & Retention —  Madeline Diamond, Director for Human Resources
  • Curriculum  —  TBD, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
  • Professional Development   —  TBD, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
  • Student Equity Leaders   —   Kristina Sarr, High School Teacher/Advisor

District Supports for LGBTQ+ / TGE Students

The District Supports for LGBTQ+ / TGE Students document, created with guidance and advocacy from families, leaders, teachers, and our district equity team, outlines key initiatives for inclusivity: gender-inclusive groupings and bathrooms, affirming language, staff training on supporting TGE students, LGBTQ+ student groups, and inclusive practices like flexible gown choices at graduation. Our goal is to ensure a welcoming and respectful environment for all students, in alignment with NYSED guidance on Creating a Safe, Supportive, and Affirming School Environment.

First page of the PDF file: EquitySupportforLGBTQ

District Equity Team Insights