The District will provide transportation to any child attending Grades K-8 grade between the child’s school and before and/or after-school child care locations in accordance with the District’s transportation mileage limitations. Child care location shall mean a place, other than the student’s home, where care for less than 24 hours a day is provided on a regular basis for a student who attends school within the District, provided that such place is situated within the District. This includes a variety of child care services such as day care centers, family day care homes and in-home care by non-relatives.
Transportation to/from child care centers and school age child care programs licensed or registered pursuant to New York State Social Services law § 390 shall be provided anywhere within the boundaries of the District. However, transportation to/from all other child care locations shall be limited to those within the student’s attendance zone.
All child care transportation requests shall be made in writing and received by the Transportation Department no later than August 15th preceding the beginning of the next school year. If a student moves into the District later than August 15th, the request should be received within 30 days of establishing residency in the District. Please fill out this form to request alternate site transportation:
Alternate Site Transportation Form
If there is a need to change a child care location during the school year, a written request must be submitted to the District at least five days before the requested change. Bus changes may not be made on a daily basis. The District will accommodate such requests in accordance with the law and this policy provided that: a route in the area exists; space is available on the bus; the District incurs no additional cost as a result of the change.