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School Supply Lists

The Horsemen PTA has partnered with teachers in grades Pre-K–8 to post each grade’s supply lists on Your supplies are delivered right to your home.

1. Go to and create an account.
2. Search for your child(ren)’s school by name.
3. Select their grade(s) for 2024/25. You do not need to know the teacher’s name.
4. Select all or some of the required items. Select all or some of the suggested items.
5. Consider donating to the PTA.
6. Your supplies ship to your home.

Or you can click on any of your child's grade supply list below for your convenience.

John Paulding

WL Morse

Washington Irving

Sleepy Hollow Middle School

Sleepy Hollow High School

Students will receive individual supply lists from each teacher on the first days of school.